California has been behind other states, and the Trump administration, when it comes to the crack down of flavored tobacco and e-cigarettes. Last year, eight other states, even if temporarily, banned flavored e-cigarettes, and several other states similarly prohibited the sale of flavored cannabis. 2020 has seen at least 184 vaping bills in 20 state legislatures, with 47 including flavor restrictions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
There has been at least 60 California cities and counties who have taken matters into their own hands by banning flavors or restricting the sale of e-cigarettes. In San Francisco, the first e-cigarette sales ban in the nation, went into effect in January.
“Politics gets down to money,” said Jim Knox, director of government relations for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. “The tobacco industry has been for decades, and remains, a very substantial power at the state Capitol.”
With California delaying the urge to follow suite, that could change this year. Read the full story Here.