The California Medical Association (CMA) and American Medical Association (AMA) are hearing alarming reports that physicians are facing Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) penalties in 2024 for the first time since the program started.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published the 2022 performance feedback, which determines whether physicians will receive a positive, neutral or negative payment adjustment on Medicare services furnished in 2024.

AMA is urging physicians to check their scores as soon as possible and share de-identified scores and corresponding payment adjustment information with AMA Advocacy staff to help them advocate against Medicare physician payment cuts in 2024. AMA asks physicians to share their information by emailing

Although AMA is also pressing CMS to release more data, this information has not historically been available until the following year (i.e., mid-2024).

Deadline to Appeal is Oct. 9

Additionally, if there are any errors in your data, Physicians have until 8 p.m. Eastern time on October 9, 2023, to request a targeted review and possibly avoid payment penalties.

The CMS Payment Adjustment User Guide walks through the process of accessing and downloading performance feedback. For more information about how to request a targeted review, please refer to the 2022 CMS Targeted Review User Guide

Physicians can view their 2022 MIPS Performance Feedback information on the Quality Payment Program (QPP) website using their HCQIS Access Role and Profile (HARP) credentials.